Meet our board of directors.

CGC’s board members are comprised of parents, former staff, educators and executives who gather every month to continue shaping this place into the jewel that it is. We’re always on the lookout for experienced leaders to join our board

Alex Nemeroff

Executive Committee
Founder, Dynamo
Montreal, QC

Paula Cope

Executive Committee

Management Consultant – Retired
Williston, VT

Heather Nielsen

Executive Committee
Facilitator at Project Success
Minneapolis, MN

Doug Hillmer

Executive Committee

Federal Government – Retired
Silver Spring, MD

Beau Doherty

Executive Committee
President of Special Olympics Connecticut – Retired
Portland, CT

Romain Feuillette

Dep. Director Semiconductor Industry
Williston, VT

Peg Kamens

Peg Kamens 

CGG Co-Founder
Bristol, VT

Jim Mendell

CGC Co-Founder
Bristol, VT

Catherina Narigon

Vermont DEC
Burlington, VT

Magalie Neff

Boston, MA

Lisa Stevens-Goodnight

Mass. Municipal Association
Boston, MA

Pallas Ziporyn

Project Coordinator, Brigham & Women’s Hospital

South Burlington, VT

Annual Report